
Lara Williamson Collection - 3 Books

型號: usbornefiction009
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關鍵字 Box Set Usborne Lara Williamson P5-P6

Touching series about family feelings and meaning of life written by author Lara Williamson, these books will warm your heart and break your heart at the same time.  Lara Williamson's first two books, A Boy Called Hope and The Boy Who Sails the Ocean in a Arm Chairs, both made the shortlist of many awards, her third novel Just Call Me Spaghetti-Hoop Boy gets a lot of positive reviews from professionals.


  • "A Boy Called Hope" is the story of searching for his 11-year-old boy's father, Dan Hope. His father left the family when he was a child. One day, after arguing with Dan's mother, his father walked out the door and never came back. Dan began to feel his father's absence more and more. The father has not been in contact with his son or other family members since he left but Dan is always hoping that his father will return and all will be fine.
  • "The Boy Who Sailed the Ocean in an Armchair" is a transfer by 11-year-old Becket. For reasons that he did not know, his father decided to take Becket and his brother out of the house at night. Leaving behind almost their mother, Pearl. Becket and Billy miss Pearl and decide to try and investigate for 2 reasons. One is why the father, brother and he seem to have left home in the middle of the night. Second, Becket's mother died before he had a chance to say goodbye to her. Carrying a story-telling armchair, a snail named Brian and a thousand cranes, Becket determined to make his wish come true.
  • "Just Call Me Spaghetti-Hoop Boy" is the story of 11-year-old Adam Butters. The boy loves to eat spaghetti and always wears a bobble hat. Adam Butters always knew he was adopted and it didn't matter to him because he loved his family. When his Year 6 teacher created a classroom project to study his family tree, Adam decided to learn everything about his family and it was time to find his missing piece, who his real mother. Discover who you are and where you belong. Adam Butters, his adopted son dreams of superheroes and his real mother. Then how does the story play out?


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