Weidenfeld Nicolson

Mrs Beeton's Homemade Sweetshop: Our Favourite Sweets to Make, Give and Enjoy (2015)

型號: science0010
存貨狀態: 現貨產品
89 積分回贈
99 積分回贈


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關鍵字 Cooking Baking Recipe Teens

Isabella Beeton had a passion for confectionery - the one strand of cookery that at the time was thought suitable for a young lady to engage in. Little has changed in the methods that we use to make most of our favourite sweets since the Book of Household Management was first published, meaning that we can all recreate a little bit of Victoriana in our own kitchens. Isabella makes use of many classic techniques in her book - preserving seasonal fruits by candying and drying - while offering sensible advice on sugar work based on her direct experience from her confectionery training at Barnard's in Epsom. Making confectionery in the modern kitchen is simple, so long as one has good clear recipes to follow and a small amount of basic equipment. A basic understanding of sugar work is needed before one can branch out into the more delicate techniques, but many of our favourite sweets are uncooked and easily accessible for the amateur. This book will include all the main types of traditional confectionery and provide plenty of interest to the beginner as well as offering a challenge to the more experienced home cook.

**圖書尺寸 (cm): 19.6x2.3x21.7


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