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Graham Allcott and Rasmus Ankersen Collection - 3 Books

型號: socialscience027
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關鍵字 Box Set Rasmus Ankersen Graham Allcott Social Science Growing Up Productivity Ninja Teens

This pack of nonfiction books edited by Rasmus Ankersen and Graham Allcott contains three perfect and practical guides that teach you how to study more effective or work more productive by using your knowledge or related techniques correctly, or achieve a higher performance in do anything, particularly in team projects and business.


  • How to be a Productivity Ninja

Productivity Ninja covers using techniques including ruthlessness, mindfulness, zen-like calm and stealth and camouflage you will get your inbox down to zero, make the most of your attention, beat procrastination and learn to work smarter, not harder. Written by one of the UK's foremost productivity experts, How to be a Productivity Ninja is a fun, accessible and practical guide to staying cool, calm and collected, getting more done, and learning to love your work again.

  • How to be a Knowledge Ninja

Knowledge Ninja covers how to think like a Ninja. Paralysed by procrastination? Harness some Ninja Focus to get things started. Overwhelmed by exam nerves? You need some Zen-like Calm to turn those butterflies into steely focus. Surrounded by too many scrappy notes and unfinished to-do lists? Get Weapon-savvy with the latest organizational technology. With nine Ninja techniques to learn, there is a solution here for everyone who wants to learn better - and they don't involve giving up the rest of your life. Written by one of the world's foremost productivity experts, How to be a Knowledge Ninja is a fun, accessible and practical guide on how to get the most out of your studying and love the quest for knowledge again.

  • The Gold Mine Effect

Gold Mine Effect teaches you in seven lessons on how anyone - or any business, organisation or team - can defy the many misconceptions of high performance and learn to build their own gold mine of real talent.


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