Sterling Publishing

Classic Starts™ Audio: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Paperback Classic Novel with 2 Read-Along CDs)

型號: classicstarts029
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關鍵字 Classic Starts Classic Fiction Audio CD P3-P4 P5-P6

Now it's even easier to share the beloved characters and stories of classic children's literature with young readers. Children can enjoy the audio version of these favourite tales as they read alongside. Or they can just sit back and listen - at home, in the car, or anytime it's storytime.

With Classic Starts, young readers can experience timeless stories from a young age. Abridged for easy reading, each classic novel is filled with all the magic that made the original story a beloved favourite.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

You are about to enter a world of undersea adventure. Join Professor Aronnax as he sets out to investigate a monstrous sea creature but encounters something even more extraordinary: the mysterious Captain Nemo and his futuristic submarine. It's a suspenseful journey of danger and discovery.


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