
Collins My First Book of Myths and Legends

型號: collins007
存貨狀態: Out Of Stock
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關鍵字 Collins My First Book Myths and Mythology P3-P4 P5-P6

The Collins My First series invites children to engage their curiosity and feed their hunger for knowledge. With exciting topics presented through photographs, illustrations, maps and easy-to-follow text, the series will capture the imagination of children and teach them the key facts they need to make a start in a range of subjects.

This new book introduces children to some of the most popular myths and legends from around the world. Written in clear and easy-to-follow language for both parent and child, this book helps the reader to associate popular stories with the regions they came from. Supporting exercises and quizzes assist in reinforcing the stories that have always helped people to understand the world around them. Educational and entertaining, My First Book of Myths and Legends is full of colourful images and engaging stories.


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