Franklie Watts

Champion Gran: Kara Learns About Respect (British Values Series)

型號: franklinwatts007
存貨狀態: 現貨產品
69 積分回贈
79 積分回贈


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關鍵字 British Values Storybook Growing Up Philosophy & Psychology Family and Friendship P1-P2 P3-P4

Kara is fed up. She doesn't want to visit Gran at her care home. But Gran's care worker Sally helps Kara to see things differently. She introduces Kara to Gran's friends, who have exciting stories to tell. Then to her surprise, Kara discovers she has something special in common with Gran...

A gentle introduction to the idea of respect, this story suggests it is best to avoid assumptions about other people, taking time instead to find out about them as individuals, the perhaps even to become friends with them. The British Values series explores tricky concepts through fun illustrated stories. Each book includes guidance notes for discussing the story's theme.


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